Project I'm currently working on a project to create a multi ribbon controller to send constatly variable pitch over MIDI.  The project will be contained in a hacked guitar hero controller and make use of existing GHC buttons and sensors.  It uses arduino to tie all of it together and do the processing work.  It will be battery powered and stand alone, no computer neccesary.

There will be two 200mm softpot touch strips that act as one octave "strings".  The notes will be controlled using the guitar hero "strummer" to round notes to nearest pitch and retrigger the note.  Volume will be controlled by a smaller 50mm touchstrip underneath the strummer. Filter will be controlled by the whammy bar. My Progress so far:


10/11/08 -wired all GHC buttons to arduino proto shield and have them succesful talking over serial to the computer -sanded extra frets on GHC to make a smooth surface for the ribbons -wired whammy bar potentiometer to arduino and have it sending the value over serial

10/20/08 -turned the built in guitar hero to PS2 cable into a midi out from arduino -have midi out talking to Korg Triton Le -working on arduino code to get a stable, debounced, and accurate button pressing controlling simple MIDI notes, hopefully like a simple version of the "GHMC", which can be found at: